Call it a mid-life crisis, or whatever other names you like, there is a definite feeling of “really is this it?” Something I hear so often from people from all walks of life and there are days that I get pulled down by the mundane and drudgery of life. The idea and deep sense that there is something more, there has to be surely? It is so easy to get stuck in the routine and stress of life. The daily demands of work, family, smart phones, friends, shops, groceries, budgets, commitments …. Oh my gosh so overwhelming! Yet we keep doing it all and feeling frustrated and sometimes very alone or overwhelmed. These are the moments to take a step and reach for something that moves us out of the rut, the routine. I am not talking about huge steps or commitments – this could possibly just add to an already overwhelmed system and cause more stress and anxiety. No, it is about just taking a moment, half a day, a weekend afternoon to do something to spark the Aliveness in you. To remind you that there is so much more still to come, to explore, to learn, to experience. POSSIBILITIES. And so it came to pass that I got the nudge I needed. It came in the form of a Breath Hold/Safety Underwater Course run by the inspiring John McCarthy. The idea was to book my children into the course to assist them more in the ocean as they are all ocean-lovers and surfers. John gently persuaded me that I needed to experience the course for myself. Despite my love for the ocean and being a proficient swimmer and confident in the ocean, I approached the course with trepidation. Of course I did: something new, different, challenging. It helped to not spend too much time thinking and analyzing and just to arrive and do! Note to self- too much thinking is crippling. Get out of your head Dominique!
The course was what I needed to open myself up to new possibilities and opportunities. That is all it took! That is what I am talking about…. Just a small step to be reminded of how much is out there, how much there still is to learn, how much to yet explore or experience. So … whether it is that walk along a beautiful forest road you have been meaning to take, or the herb garden you have been meaning to plant, the pottery or painting you need to submerge yourself in for a few hours, or the trail ride calling you, the Kung Fu class to join, the slow-cooked Coq-au-vain you haven’t cooked in years or the grass you have not lain on for some time….. take a step…. Immerse yourself just for a moment to remind your mind, body and spirit that you are alive …. There is more…. So much more for all of us.
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